Model Inference

Constructing formula and running the model.


Having completed data preprocessing and data organization, a formula is constructed and the model run.

Note: This script requires that both the data Preprocessing and the Data Organization have already been completed with all resulting objects available in the working environment.


\begin{align} \textit{y}_{1\textit{st}} &= \beta_0 + \beta_1{Pop} + \varphi_{\textit{t}} + \textit{W}_1(\textit{st}) \nonumber \\ \textit{y}_{2\textit{st}}|\textit{y}_{1\textit{st}} &= \beta_0 + \beta_2{Pop} + \gamma_{seas} + \varphi_{\textit{t}} +\delta_{\textit{st}} + \textit{W}_2(\textit{st}) + \alpha_1 \cdot \textit{W}_1(\textit{st}) \nonumber \\ \textit{y}_{3\textit{st}}|\textit{y}_{1\textit{st}}, \textit{y}_{2\textit{st}} &= \beta_0 + \beta_3{Pop} + \varphi_{\textit{t}} + \alpha_2 \cdot \gamma_{seas} + \alpha_3 \cdot \textit{W}_1(\textit{st}) + \alpha_4 \cdot \delta_{\textit{st}} + \alpha_5 \cdot \textit{W}_2(\textit{st}) + \textit{W}_3(\textit{st}) \nonumber \\ \nonumber \end{align}


  • \textit{s} (\textit{s} = 1, 2, 3, \ldots,56) are U.S. States and Territories
  • \textit{t} are time steps (yearly for spatial effects (\textit{W}_(\textit{st}))
  • \textit{y}_{1\textit{st}} is the percent infected from the ILI data set (Level 1)
  • \textit{y}_{2\textit{st}} is the percent confirmed positive Influenza A from NREVSS (Level 2)
  • \textit{y}_{3\textit{st}} is hospital incidence from HHS (Level 3)
  • \beta_0’s are level-specific intercepts
  • \beta_2{Pop} are level-specific population estimates for each state
  • \textit{W}_(\textit{st}) are BYM space-time effects specific to each level (1,2,3)
  • \gamma_{seas} is a week-based seasonal effect estimated from NREVSS
  • \delta_{\textit{st}} is a space-time interaction (STI) term estimated from NREVSS
  • \varphi_{\textit{t}} is a second-order random walk estimated from FluSurv data

In addition, there are a number of interaction effects to scale shared components,

  • \alpha_1 quantifies interaction between the ILI spatial effect (\textit{W}_1(\textit{st}) and NREVSS
  • \alpha_2 quantifies interaction between the NREVSS seasonal effect (\gamma_{seas}) and HHS data
  • \alpha_3 quantifies interaction between the ILI spatial effect (\textit{W}_1(\textit{st}) and NREVSS
  • \alpha_4 quantifies interaction between the NREVSS STI effect (\delta_{\textit{st}}) and HHS
  • \alpha_5 quantifies interaction between the NREVSS spatial effect (\textit{W}_2(\textit{st}) and HHS

Prior Specifications

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inla.setOption(inla.mode= "experimental")

bym_hyper <- list(
    prec = list(
        initial = 2, 
        prior = "pc.prec",
        param = c(0.6, 0.01)),
    phi = list(
        initial = 2, 
        prior = "pc",
        param = c(0.5, 0.5)))

#iid prior
pc_prec_iid <- list(theta = list(prior="pc.prec", 
                                 param=c(1, 0.01)))

#ar1 prior
pc_cor_ar1 <- list(theta = list(prior = 'pccor1', 
                                param = c(0.7, 0.5)))

#rw prior
pcprior1 = list(prec = list(prior="pc.prec", 
                            param = c(1, 0.01)))

Joint Model Formula

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Frm.1 = Y ~ -1 + intercept1 + #intercept for ILI submodel
                 intercept2 + #intercept for NREVSS submodel
                 intercept3 + #intercept for HHS submodel
                   l.pop.ili + #log-population: could have been combined, but
                   l.pop.nv +  #wanted to see if effect differd   
                   l.pop.hhs + #by submodel
                      f(Region.1.ili, # location index specific to ILI submodel
                         model="bym2", #Besag-Mollie-York model (spatial + region IID)
                         graph=J,      #neighborhood adjacency matrix
                         constr=TRUE,  #enforce a zero-mean latent field
                         group = year.ili, #Annual time steps,year-specific spatial fields
               "ar1"), #order-1 autoregressive between annual fields
                         hyper=bym_hyper) + #prior
                      f(Region.1.nv,   # As above but specific to NREVSS submodel
                         group = year.nv.1, 
                         hyper=bym_hyper) + 
                      f(Region.2.nv,   # Create a copy of ILI BYM model, and share it with NREVSS submodel
                         copy="Region.1.ili", #what to copy
                         group = year.nv.2,
                         fixed=FALSE) +
                      f(Region.1.hhs,  # Besag-Mollie-York model specific to HHS submodel
                         model="bym2", #as above
                         group = year.hhs.1,
                         hyper=bym_hyper) + 
                      f(Region.2.hhs, # Create a copy of ILI BYM model, and share it with HHS submodel
                         group = year.hhs.2,
                         fixed=FALSE) +
                      f(Region.3.hhs,  # Create a copy of NREVSS BYM model, and share it with HHS submodel
                         group = year.hhs.3,
                         fixed=FALSE) + 
                      f(ts_week.1.nv, # Use model etimates from NREVSS submodel to identify seasonality          
                         scale.model = TRUE,
                         season.length = 52, #guess at how many weeks between seasonal cycles
                         hyper=pcprior1) +
                      f(ts_week.2.nv,       # IID term to account for variation outside of          
                         constr=TRUE,        # seasonal effect above
                         hyper=pc_prec_iid) +
                      f(ts_week.c,          #  copy seasonal effect to HHS submodel
                         copy = "ts_week.1.nv",
                         fixed=FALSE) +
                      f(ts_week.iid.c,      #  copy IID extra-seasonal effect to HHS submodel
                         copy = "ts_week.2.nv",
                         fixed=FALSE) +
                      f(ts_week.fs, en_est.s, # perform order-2 random walk across all levels based         
                         constr=TRUE,      # on the temporal pattern exhibited by the FluSurv data
                         scale.model = TRUE,
                         hyper=pcprior1) +
                     f(st_int.nv,         #NREVSS space-time interaction (location-week)      
                        hyper=pc_prec_iid) +
                     f(st_int.c,          #copy NREVSS space-time interaction to HHS level
                        copy = "st_int.nv",

Hyperparameter Estimates

Mean estimates for all 22 model hyperparameters. These were estimated in advance by running a smaller, 5yr model.

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theta8 = c(0.681697728, -0.492510866, -2.058167639, 0.006865191, -1.002600890, 2.926536468, -0.321834109, 0.153080825, 1.959042282,
           -1.832427192, -1.118539999, 1.942998892, 3.403507238, -1.016877442, -3.634452225, -0.407023837, -0.023686173,
           0.529309680, 0.332056118, 0.999033065, 0.857719181, 0.528751714)

Run Model

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Joint.mod = inla(Frm.1, #formula from above
                     num.threads = 8, #cores to use
                     data =, # combined DataStack with substacks for all submodels
                     family = c("gaussian", "gaussian","gaussian"), #responses are normal
                     verbose = TRUE, # print run process to screen
                     control.fixed = list(prec = 1, # proper intercept
                                          prec.intercept = 1), 
                     control.predictor = list(
                                                 A = inla.stack.A(joint_stack), 
                                         compute = TRUE, # include fitted values
                                              link = 1), #default link function settings
                     control.mode = list(restart = TRUE, theta = theta8), #initial values above
                     control.inla = list(strategy="gaussian", #strategy to speed up
                                                       int.strategy = "eb"), #empirical Bayes (based on modes)
                     control.compute=list(dic = F, cpo = F, waic = F)) # these just slow the run down

#save resulting model and inputs  
#save(list=c("Joint.mod", "J", "joint_stack"), file="./data/runs/model-2023-06-09.RData", version = 2)